Film is an esitor's medium.

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some scenes were monotonous (noticed myself fallen asleep😴) though from the very start the plot of the story was already known the “invention of the atomic bomb” plus the strong feelings the main character had with a russian girl wherein doubts were the big concern and the invention was exclusive. afterall it was proven negatively. the invention proved successful and powerful that ultimately humans were the frontliners victims having been dropped during the war with japan. true the film didn’t tackle the disastrous effect made on japan solely because it concentrated on the success of the invention the effects and results of it and here enters the greediness of a powerful country’s sense of exclusivity wherein no less the private life of the inventor was exposed having strong doubts other countries least to mention Russia might have gotten the trade secret of the invention. artistically presented was the conversation between the inventor and the russian girl (sorry not so attentive with character’s name) both naked which for me was not necessary at first but with further analysis and understanding imparted that intimacy in a relationship “secrets/confidentiality” in one’s job should be respected. hope my simple sharing can support your writeups. again congratulations! as ever i remain (challenges around☺️😉)

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